Speed Bump Sexual Position

Speed Bump Sex Position

When I hook up with a woman who has a great ass that I can’t take my eyes off of, this is my sexual position of choice.  There is nothing that gets my pecker harder than a woman with a perfect ass, and when you get to look at it, and feel it against your … Read more

The Spider Sex Position

The Spider

As many of you long time followers may know, I’ve been compiling a list of the best sex positions to try with your partner.  Today, I introduce you to one with a very hard degree of difficulty:  the spider. How to Do The Spider First off, let’s talk about what this is truly great for … Read more

The Scissors Sexual Position

scissors sex position

Here is how to execute the scissors in the bedroom to full perfection.  I like the scissors during sex because it’s an easy move, yet takes some explanation on my end.  This is why I always insert these cornier than ever, but super super at explaining stuff videos.  These are really game changers as far … Read more