There are millions of local adult personal ads listed all over the Internet and it has changed the way we connect with people today. Meeting people online using a dating site has become the norm in our society.
It’s essentially a staple if you want to find someone for a long term relationship, or just to have a casual relationship with. Millions of romances, one night stands, secret affairs, and friends with benefits have spawned all due to the wonders of social technology. We could not be more grateful for all of this either! Fear not, I’m not going share the nitty gritty behind everything and why. Heck, you’ll get to know us really quickly but for now, know that this website was set up to keep you informed with what’s going on in the world of meeting people online or via an app on your phone.
Even just ten years ago it was impossible to be picky about who you could hook up with. The idea of finding a local big chested hottie to hook up with was simply a pipe dream. If you spoke with your bros about this, they’d tell you to step back into reality and return from never-never land. Your chances of finding a hot girl to enjoy some spicy moments with were relatively low and somewhat impossible even. The typical slim pickings at the bar before the lights came on and that’s about it. Of course, you had the old aged local serious relationship matchmaker or even mainstream dating like Match and eHarmony. The problem with those sites and services are that they are so hit and miss, you’ll waste at ton of time sifting through profiles to eventually find one that MIGHT be a freak.
You’ll see that we stopped at nothing creating this site. We’ve spent thousands of dollars on not only online memberships, but also the dates that ensued. While we have no problem with those awesome stories of love at first site, you’ll see that the majority of the advice we give her to our fellow brothers (and sisters, although our tone may turn some of them off) is simply designed to get you laid and hooking up.
Fortunately, there are many of those website out there today. Many casual dating sites exist and many more are popping up every so often.
Here’s our list of the best dating sites (broken down by personal interests.) It’s the most extensive page on our website, and a lot of good (and bad) times went into the R & D creating that list of websites to meet people. It’s a constant work in progress, so be sure to bookmark it.
You have plenty of options if you want to have an NSA relationship with someone. To save you time and money, all you need to do is read the reviews on this site and join one or more sites. They are (without a doubt) the world’s best adult personals websites for meeting locals that you will ever come across.
We Started Adult Personals to Help Locals Meet
Have you seen Wedding Crashers featuring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn? No, we don’t crash weddings. What the f*ck do you think we are! What I will say is that it played a role in the creation of this site. See, one night my buddy Tom and I were partying in a high rise apartment on South Beach in Miami Beach, FL.
One thing led to another and we were each joining hookup sites via our smartphones. We had a contest to see who could score the most dates, hook ups, and romances over the course of the next 90 days. Our adult personal ads were all setup and it soon became a friendly game to see how many local girls we could essentially add as a notch on our belts. Of course, we aren’t as savage as we were back then (well Tom is, but that’s his last name, so he may as well represent it well) and we’ve evolved into more of gentlemen over the years, but that sure doesn’t stop us from talking about sex positions, foods that make her horny, and of course, our lighter side comes out once in a while with stuff like “what to text her after you fight.”
At the end of the day, we’re humans, and we’ve been serial daters for quite some time. This blog talks about all of it, and it’s become a bit of an Internet dating phenomenon, and we’re quite proud of that. We are nearing 100,000 readers and have big plans to make this site even more special.
This once desolate website started one day as we told each other stories that were created during our 90 day quest.
“We need a blog. We need to document all of this somehow,” Tom Said.
And with that, we fired up our computers and started writing. And writing. And writing more. It became fun, and eventually people started taking notice.

The rest is history.
If you are wondering, YES, we still use these sites and we get laid a lot. You can read more about each of us…just keep reading here.
Which Local Adult Personal Ad Sites Work Best?
I just explained to you our entire journey of joining various adult personals oriented dating sites. I have not gotten even close to in-depth just yet, but you can bet your ass that you’ll find our experiences are very thorough if you sift through our site.
I’d be willing to bet $1,000 that using an adult dating site can get you laid quicker than hanging out at the bar!
That’s just how convinced I am and how much success we were able to drum up from our little online dating adventure. I’m going to cover exactly what we suggest you do if you want to get laid. But before diving deep into each of the sites we’ve joined, let me cover a few things. First, you can and should expect to find nothing but high-quality detailed reviews of various sites. You should also expect to find plenty of top notch dating tips throughout the blog posts that we’ve written. As far as we’re concerned, there is absolutely no reason why you and your friends can’t have the same level of success that we have. Before we get too deep here, let us cover the basics.
What Exactly Are Adult Personals?
There are millions of adults living in the United States that haven’t got a clue what adult dating is all about. Most people are accustomed to joining the boring mainstream personals sites. Sure, some may have an idea of what it’s all about but that’s barely scratching the surface. We review them too, because hey, just hooking up isn’t for everyone. Some people want to form a meaningful bond and relationship and while that’s not on our agenda right now, it’s a respected lifestyle choice.
To be blunt, adult personals are ads people place online when they want to meet and hookup with someone. Anyone looking to have a casual hookup for one night aka a one night stand, then they should use a dating site geared for adults. All the sites that we recommend allow you to register and set up your own dating profile. You add photos along with a little something about yourself and it’s off to the races. The best part about using adult personals is that people in the ads do not discriminate or judge. Everyone has the same motive which makes it that much better.
Why Do Adults Prefer Meeting Others For Hook Up Opportunities Online?
The reason people tend to prefer these types of websites is because they are fast, effective and simple to use. You can fulfill any sexual desire with someone you meet online. These sites take the drama and guessing game out of the equation. Another reason lots of people prefer using online hook up sites as opposed to traditional dating, they get a preview of their sex partner. The lack of pressure and the ability to avoid any long-term obligations is also attractive to people. Whether you are looking to meet and bang other single people, married people, swingers or whatever, doing it online is quick, safe and easy.
How We Ranked The Sites Where You Can Meet People Online
Let me first make it clear that we only rank websites based on the experiences we’ve had using each of them. We also do not write a review on any site until we’ve literally used it for months and have data to back our results. There are many factors to consider when rating a site. Things like: number of active members, cost to join, customer support level, on-site messaging, responsiveness of girls, video chat quality, upgrade opportunities and more. It’s not as simple as stating whether you were able to have sex with a girl or two. That’s the easy part. We prefer to really break things down for you so you know what to expect before joining any dating site.
Why You Should Care About Our Adult Personals Review Site
This is literally your reference guide for top notch Internet dating advice. Everything you need in order to start and maintain casual relationships is right here for the taking.
I know, you think that simple statement sounds very generic and like a bullshit tagline that you can hear from other websites. It’s the honest truth. I want you to become a pro when it comes to online dating. Sure, there are plenty of other dating sites out there that you can visit. However, there are far more benefits using this site over all the rest. Listed below you will find a number of advantages that using this site provides…
1. Get Great, Up To Date Info. If you take a look around this site you soon realize that it teaches you how to meet someone, set up a date and hook up tonight. What’s the whole point of joining a mainstream site if you can’t get laid? We provide the dating hacking guide you need to succeed.
2. Find What Fits You. There’s a dating site out there for everyone that wants to accomplish the goal of having sex with someone tonight. We don’t believe in using the and eHarmony sites that most people smile about using. We explain and even spoonfeed you with various adult sites that can get just about anyone laid.
3. Do It Right. Trust me, you will feel super confident once you start using We are not here to steer you wrong. Years of experience fucking girls and researching sites has allowed us to do it the right way. Just pick a site to join, do what we say and enjoy the results.
4. Ignore Everything Else. Only on this site will you find the most detailed and well-organized dating guides in the world. We deliver the highest quality and most current reviews. You can expect nothing other than top notch content.
5. 100% Truth, No Bullshit. Unlike other sites and dating review companies, we do not bend the truth. This isn’t your mom’s makeup blog. There is no over-hyped noise here. Just black and white facts and results that we’ve had. No sugar coating of anything.
With that, enjoy Adult Personals. We’ve certainly had fun creating it.
Contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We’re here to help.
Signing off..
Your buddy,
~ Barrett Richards
Want to read some of my updates, then check this page out!
My brother from another mother wrote a bunch as well. You know who I’m talking about…Here’s a list of Tom’s blog posts.