How To Get A Girl To Like You

Some dating experts think they know everything. They get in front of groups of people in a room, trying to push some shitty pick up artist course. Don’t waste your money, just read this post instead. I”m going to tell you exactly how you can get any girl to like you within a reasonable timeframe. No, I can’t get some smoking hot supermodel to bang a geek (unless he’s got a huge dong). It’s just not in the cards my friend. However, if you’re looking to up your chances of getting with a girl you’ve met online, then you need to get her to like you. These specific steps should help you accomplish just that.

How To Get A Girl To Like You

Important Steps To Get A Girl To Like You

So you’ve met a hot girl on Fling or some other adult dating site and you’re ready to go on a date. The girl is obviously physically attracted enough to you to meet up for a date. That’s the good news! Now, your job is to get her to like you enough to let you slip her the jimmy. These tips should help you…

#1) Be About Her

What I mean by that is quite simple. Walk with her, ask her what she wants to eat and drink. Make her feel comfortable enough to realize that you’re all about pleasing her. You need to do this in a very relaxed manner, though. Don’t put too strong of an emphasis on impressing her, but more so on being confident enough to want to please her (for the right reasons).

#2) Show Your Skills

While you probably want to show her your dick or how you can shotgun a beer in four seconds flat, that’s not what I’m referring to. If you’ve got some special skill that sets you apart from the rest and it’s rather impressive, then you must use that to your advantage. What I mean by that is highlighting your positive attributes and experiences. For example, if you’re a sky diver, then talk about it. If you can play the guitar or piano and you’re at a bar with a band, don’t be afraid to show off your skills. Just do it is a tasteful manner. Always remember, though, you must be humble. Girls like to fuck humble guys.

show your skills

#3) Speak Well

One thing that turns girls off is a guy that can’t speak properly. Drop the ghetto talk and slang when you’re with your date. You are not hanging with your buddies so throwing around expletives isn’t going to get you knuckles deep. Speak like a real human that’s semi-successful and you’ll do just fine.

#4) Tease A Little

You’ve got to tease and laugh a little if you want to turn a girl on. Getting a girl to like you often requires making them laugh. I’m not saying you need to put on some comedian act but make them laugh a bit and tease them just a tiny bit. Definitely, don’t say anything too offensive or you’re bound to have her tell you to pound sand and not her pussy.

#5) Spend Some Money

Girls like it when you spend money on them in a suttle manner. Don’t make it seem like you’re trying to throw around your money like your Monopoly Manny. No one likes a richie rich type prick and that behavior can really turn girls off if not careful. Just buy drinks, dinner, transportation and act like a nice guy.

richie rich monopoly
Credit: Alec Monopoly (Richie Rich)

#6) Compliment The Non-Obvious

Complimenting a girl will make her like you more. It’s in your best interest to compliment a girl on something that’s not so obvious. Don’t say that she looks hot. Instead, tell her that you like her top, jeans, or whatever. Tell them that her outfit looks great on her. Another approach would be to tell her that you like her accent, smile, eyes, hair or something else. Just don’t say she has nice tits. THat’s going to get you nowhere fast.

Well, you do all six of these things and I can guarantee that you will be able to get a girl to like you. It’s not all that difficult to do, especially if you are using a local sex classifieds site and met the girl on the Internet. Once she’s into you, you can bet that you’ll be in her in no time!


Tom Savage is a serial dater living in Miami Beach, Florida. In between pool parties, late nights, and an occasional day trading session, he likes to share his tips on meeting women online. You can contact Tom on this page.

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