Some people see a dating site and they make assumptions that it’s the best think on earth. That’s what a lot of people think about with regards to Megahookup. I just can’t sit back and not investigate things or try this out. Since I love having so many hookup options to use in Miami Beach, I thought it was best that I see if I can add this to my list.
Many casual sex dating sites come and go, but some stick around for years, especially if they have a good name. The name suggests that you are in for one hell of an online hookup experience. However, you need more than just a name to be a good dating site. Afterall, the name “Fling” doesn’t jump out to most but it’s the absolute bomb.
After investigating the site, I can see that the name is all this one has going for it. You certainly won’t be meeting any girls in person. It was clear to me from the moment I arrived. I have lost count of the many shady dating sites that I have seen. They all have the exact same layout and the same conning methods. in fact, they all have a stupid banner on the top left that says 100% free (it’s not). Additionally, they all have a gallery of pictures of hot girls in the background with the same series of questions to register. Be sure to read my full review for more details. Review and Everything I’ve Exposed!
Here’s a full breakdown of everything that you need to know before joining this dating network. Trust me, knowledge is a huge part of being successful when it comes to meeting people online.
Free Or Is That Complete B.S.?
It is free to register, but it is not 100% free dating, as they suggest. You answer questions like your sex, the sex you are looking to meet, and your date of birth. All the sites on this network change the next couple questions a bit, but they are not fooling anyone. This one asks if you enjoy passionate nights if you’ve ever had a one night stand, and if you are looking for a discreet encounter and if no strings attached are your thing.
Once you’ve answered, they congratulate you for being eligible to join. The next page prompts you to indicate a display name, password, and your e-mail address. This is step 8 of the process and the page where they give you another piece of evidence that points to fraud.
Love Stars Aren’t Real
Want more evidence that this site sucks? Then learn more about the “love stars.” There is a piece of evidence is the use of the word Love Stars. This is another thing that I have lost count of. Sites that use this horrible term and even sites outside of this rather large scam site network use it.
The Terms Speak Loud and Clear
Specifically, when you click on the term, you are taken to the section of their terms and conditions page that explains exactly what they are. They explain them as fictitious profiles that are created by the site to stimulate dialogue with the users. They go on to explain that you may be contacted by these Love Stars and that this exchange of messages is for entertainment purposes only.
I don’t about you, but I am not entertained by a computer-generated message trying to fool me into thinking I am talking to a real person. They even tell you that no physical meeting will ever take place between you and one of the Love Stars. That is not something that I would ever agree to pay for.
Their Credit Card Scam Comes To Fruition
Now we come to the worst thing about and the best reason to avoid it. When you register, you are taken to a page that asks for your credit card info before you enter. That is bad enough because a free site should not ask for your credit info, but it gets worse.
First, the address bar has the URL of an entirely different site named This shows that you are entering your info into a porn site. Wait, there’s more. In small letters, on the right, you will see a box that says that you are about to upgrade to a VIP membership. This membership includes a 2-day trial of the site that renews at $49.95 a month.
Guess what, it also includes a 2-day trial of mobile access for $1.95 that renews at $39.61 a month. If that’s not enough, it includes a 3-week free trial for a site called that renews at $28.87. That’s over $100 of hidden charges for a site that says it’s 100% free. I think that is more than enough reason to leave this site and never return.
The Megahookup dating site costs a ton of money when they claim to be 100% free. They end up charging your credit card aka “banging your card” and they do this because all that want is your money.
At the end of the day, there’s no way anyone can get laid hooking up with fake profiles and employees acting as consumers looking to hookup. Truth is, you’ll never get anywhere with this site. You’ve got to use other adult sites that actually work if you want to get anywhere. The good news is that I’ve got a bunch that I can recommend you check out.